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Electronic health care records: tracking you from birth to death
By: Twila Brase, RN, PHN
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Session 1 | Show Us the ScienceAluminum Toxicity and Human Health | Chris Exley, PhD Redefining Vaccine Reactions to Erase Evidence of Harm | Jacob Puliyel, MD Immune-Mediated Vaccine Adverse Events and Personalized Medicine | Dolores Cahill, PhD The New Technologies Driving the Creation of COVID-19 Vaccines | Vicky Pebsworth, PhD, RN Consensus Is not science, and science never settled | Alan Cassels, MPA, Author and Journalist From Masking to Mortality Rates: COVID-19 and What the Science Tells Us | Denis Rancourt, PhD Manipulating Science to Endorse Policy and Market Products (Doctoring Data) | Malcolm Kendrick, MD From Anthrax Vaccine to Covid-19: What You Need to Know About One Company Making Coronavirus Vacci​nation​ | Meryl Nass, MD Risks and Failures of HPV Vaccines for Cervical Cancer Prevention | Sin Hang Lee, MD Using Human Fetal Cells to Make Vaccines | Theresa Deisher, PhD Inflammation, Epigenetics and Autism: Lessons for COVID-19 Vaccines | Richard Deth, PhD Why the Microbiome Matters | Rodney Dietert, PhD
Session 2 | U.S. and International Vaccine Choice AdvocacyU.S. Vaccine Legislation and Vaccine Freedom of Choice Advocacy | Dawn Richardson A Victory and a Loss for Vaccine Informed Consent Rights in Colorado | Theresa Wrangham Vaccine Legislation and Grassroots Advocacy in Florida | Tony Krehel, AP and Andrea Nastelli, DC The Challenge of Virginia's Changing Vaccine Laws | Kathi Williams and Carolyn Hendler, JD Federal Vaccine Advisory Committees and Failure to Fulfill the 1986 Congressional Mandate | Theresa Wrangham Preserving Vaccine Choice in Canada | Ted Kuntz and Rocco Galati, JD The European Experience with Mandatory Vaccination | Kris Gaublomme, MD
Session 3 | The Paradigm Shift To Health & LibertyWhy Homeschooling Is Under Attack and What You Can Do | Michael Farris, JD Respecting Life and Guarding Your Soul | Rabbi Michoel Green Rejecting the Culture of Death to Embrace the Sanctity of Life | Bishop Joseph Strickland The Moral Right to Exercise Freedom of Conscience | Fr. Michael Copenhagen The Role of Freedom of Conscience for Martin Luther and the Protestant Religion | Eric Metaxas The Shrinking Medical Vaccine Exemption Handcuffs Doctors & Increases Vaccine Risks | Stephanie Christner, DO Why and How Vaccine Mandates Violate the Ethical and Legal Right to Informed Consent | Alvin Moss, FACP and FAAAHPM The Physician’s Duty: First, Do No Harm | Lawrence Palevsky, MD When Public Policy Invalidates Professional Judgment | Bob Sears, MD Since When Did It Become A Crime To Support the Immune System? | David Brownstein, MD Censoring Freedom of Speech: If It Can Happen to Me, It Can Happen to Anyone | Senator Scott Jensen, MD Vitalism and Chiropractic on the Front Lines | Guy Riekeman, DC Grassroots Rising | Ronnie Cummins How to Take Back Control of Your Health | Joe Mercola, DO Defending Life and Liberty in the Vaccine Culture War | Barbara Loe Fisher Presentation of NVIC Lifetime Achievement Awards Pharmaceutical Companies Must Be Held Legally Accountable for Vaccine Injuries & Death | Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Special Guest | Comedian Rob Schneider
Session 4 | Growing Our Grassroots AdvocacyWhat Veterinary Science Tells Us About Animal Vaccines | Odette Suter, DVM What Has Happened to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS)? | Steven Rubin, PhD ​ Raising Healthy Families The 100 Year Lifestyle Way | Eric Plasker, DC ​ Electronic Health Care Records: Tracking You From Birth to Death | Twila Brase, RN, PHN Adult Vaccine Mandates: They’re Coming After You Next | Sherri Tenpenny, DO ​ Battlefield America: Locking Down Civil Liberties in the Name of the Public Health | John Whitehead, JD ​ The 5 Reasons You Might Want to Avoid a COVID-19 Vaccine | Del Bigtree Under the Influence: The Vaccine Mandate Lobby Influencing State Legislatures | Senator Heidi Sampson Tyranny of the Experts: Who’s Fact Checking the Fact Checkers? | Marco Cáceres ​ Psychological Warfare in the COVID-19 Era | Andrew Kaufman, MD Knowledge is Power | Kevin Jenkins ​ Doctors Guilty of Medical Atrocities: From Auschwitz to Tuskeegee, Willowbrook and Beyond | Vera Sharav Past Is Prologue: What the History of the 1986 Act Reveals | Andrew Wakefield, MD, MB, BS When Mothers are Silenced, Children Suffer | Sheila Ealey, EDD ​ Closing Remarks | Barbara Loe Fisher
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