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Welcome To

The fifth international public conference on Vaccination

Protecting Health & Autonomy in the 21st Century

Sponsored by the non-profit charity National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) 

Welcome Message

Barbara Loe Fisher | Co-Founder and President of NVIC

Why you should join?

This conference features video presentations by 51 selected speakers, award presentations, a special guest appearance, and a film documentary and was originally broadcast over a three day and evening period between October 16-18, 2020. Biographical information is included in the introductions of speakers before each presentation.


This conference was organized to be an educational event and you are encouraged to follow the conference agenda and view presentations in sequential order. This will allow you to experience the conference as it was originally broadcast.





about us

In March 2020, when coronavirus pandemic-related social distancing regulations and travel restrictions were implemented in the U.S. and other countries, NVIC staff quickly pivoted to the production of a virtual conference. Like NVIC’s previous public conferences on vaccination, the goal is to provide information and perspective on long-standing and emerging scientific, medical policy, legal and ethical issues related to health and vaccination that will empower individuals to make well-informed decisions for themselves and their children.

our sessions

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Featured videos

Image by Liv Bruce


"Hello and THANK YOU for an amazing program so far! My husband and I have been glued to our laptops soaking in the information that the presenters are dishing out. We are bronze sponsors and will be able to go back to listen to the conference again…. Thank you for standing up and being strong so that human rights are preserved! We love and appreciate you all! Bless you all."

"Barbara, thank you for the most eloquent, compassionate speech I have ever heard that you gave on the second day of the Fifth International Public Conference on Vaccination just before the dinner break. It is my hope your speech will be heard around the world. Thank you for all the work you and your organization does and for the symposium." 

Our Sponsors

Angel Sponsors

Copyright 2020-2021 National Vaccine Information Center. All Rights Reserved.
21525 Ridgetop Circle, Suite 100 Sterling, VA 20166

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